Informal pic
That nite was a great nite..Thanks to those who had made the effort to come down and participate and watch us playing floorball...More than 2o grownz turned up that nite..We will continue on playing on friday for all the following weeks until futher notice.We will be changing games for every week. As for next week,you guys need not to bring any floorball stick.Just bring yourself and ur running water..pls.
Urs truely,
Psstt...vid coming up later..
*****sorry all for the late video updates...but first of all, we would like to thank those who came down on Friday the 18th ::
Sis Jannah
Sis Ani(appreciated for playing with us)
Sis Majidah
Sis Mardhiah
Bro. Fadli
Bro. Faisal
Sis Eqah
Bro. Hakim
N those yg datang on that day.
btw, this videos consist of the best moments = CoOl mOVeS.. fAnTaStIc ShOt!!!
to the rest of GROWNz who couldnt make time... fret not..! cuz there'll be lots of event coming to you!!! So, be sure to come down next friday... (until further notice)
*gaaackt!!!* *yawn*
by your KimChi-eater kuzzin...
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